The highflier in object detection
The W16 is equipped with new technologies such as TwinEye, LineSpot, ClearSens and OptoFilter for reliable object detection. It can be quickly and conveniently adjusted via the BluePilot operating and display concept. Since every W16 is designed as a Smart Sensor, it can be configured to fit the application via IO-Link and offers additional diagnostic functions and Smart Tasks. It is therefore a trailblazer on the path to Industry 4.0. The highly-visible PinPoint LED and the infrared LED are available as the light source. The durable laser inscription ensures device identification in the long run. Thanks to the very rugged VISTAL® housing and the predictive maintenance, the W16 offers very high reliability and prevents unplanned machine downtimes.
-Usability and uniform operation thanks to optical quality display on the housing or conveniently via IO-Link
-Simplification when aligning the light beam to the reflector, the receiver or to an object thanks to the highly-visible light spot of the PinPoint LED combined with the optical LED display
-Very high reliability thanks to new detection technologies as well as high optical ruggedness
-The Smart Sensor makes machine processes quicker, more efficient and transparent, enables predictive maintenance and is thereby a trailblazer for Industry 4.0 applications
-Technologies: ClearSens, LineSpot, TwinEye, OptoFilter
-BluePilot: Optical alignment aid, adjustment of the sensing range via Teach-Turn adjustment with optical sensing range indicator or via IO-Link
-PinPoint LED: Light-intensive red sender LED
-Smart Sensor: Enhanced Sensing, IO-Link, Diagnostics, Smart Tasks
-Vistal housing: High chemical, thermal and mechanical resistance
Easy and quick sensor alignment using BluePilot
Using the innovative BluePilot alignment aid, the sensors in the W16 and W26 product family can be commissioned in seconds. The blue LED display provides direct feedback to assist you with optimally aligning the sensors and reflectors as well as senders and receivers. In the case of the photoelectric proximity sensors, a push-and-turn mechanism enables the sensor to be adjusted quickly and precisely, thereby eliminating the customary time-consuming fine adjustment using rotary controls.
BluePilot also reports any change in detection quality, e.g., due to contamination or vibrations, which ensures faults are detected in a timely manner, long before a production downtime occurs.
Photoelectric retro-reflective and through-beam photoelectric sensors
The blue LED alignment aid speeds up the process of optimally aligning the sensors and reflectors or senders and receivers,Any changes in the operational safety due to contamination or vibrations can be recognized at a glance
Photoelectric proximity switch
2 in 1: The combination of teach-in button and potentiometer in one control element enables intuitive fine-tuning in a matter of seconds,The visual representation of the sensing range allows you to maintain an overview at all times
Photoelectric retro-reflective sensor for detecting transparent objects
Select the right mode for the object type in question by simply rotating the control element

The sensors from the W16 product family are particularly rugged and reliable.
If optical contamination exists on the sensor or reflector and after cleaning, the sensors automatically adjust their switching thresholds thanks to AutoAdapt, meaning they always keep a clear view. With the OptoFilter, the sensors see what they have to see: they are immune to LED lights, reflections from safety vests and the influence of depolarizing objects.
The sensors can also withstand many chemical, thermal and mechanical environmental influences thanks to the ultra-rugged VISTAL housing.
Everything reliably detected

Thanks to the OptoFilter, the sensors feature high ambient light immunity.

If there is contamination, the W16 sensors automatically adjust their switching thresholds.

Thanks to the VISTAL housing, the sensors can also withstand extreme loads.
The rugged design ensures high system availability and reduces downtimes.
Smart Sensors provide indispensable input for every process chain. They support dynamic, real-time-optimized, and self-organized industry processes. The Smart Sensors W16 and W26 capture real-life situations, and generate and receive data and information beyond traditional switching signals or measured process parameters.
From raw signals to customized information

Base logic: User-definable logic functions with trigger sensors and switching signal delays

Time measurement and debouncing with the aid of the Time Measurement and Debouncing Smart Task

W16 with the Counter and Debouncing Smart Task counts and evaluates detection signals
Interconnectivity and efficient processing of data ensure leaner structures and cost benefits for your process.
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